I'm a highly creative and multi-talented individual who thrives on music and visual arts. I've spent years composing, producing and performing music, crafting and selling artwork, and capturing the beauty of portraits, movement, and dance through my photography
Hello! I’m Siggul,
a musician, photograpger
and videographer
My skills
Proficient in music composition and performance
Exceptional artistic abilities in visual arts and design; Detail-oriented with a keen eye for aesthetics
Advanced photography skills, specializing in portraits and movement; skilled in crafting contemporary photo and video content
Strong interpersonal and communication skills; Collaborative team player with a passion for creative collaboration
Bachelor of Arts in Music
1989 – 1994
Achieved distinction in specializing in composing and arranging music, singing, harmony, and the history of music. Excellently

navigated through theoretical foundations while sharpening practical skills in musical composition and performance.
Contact me:
Phone: +1 123 4567890
Email: hello@loftpineapple.com
Miami, FL, United States


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